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9 Things Cannot Be Predicted In Numerology

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<p>Occult sciences are a lovely thing! With some precise calculations and rules, you seem to get a clear picture of your past, present, and future. Right now, one of the most popular and most-sought after occult science is Numerology. It helps you to understand the intricacies of the human personality and prediction by tracing the relationship of numbers with the animate and inanimate objects of the Universe.</p></br><strong style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:30px;">The secret of Occult Science :</strong></br>  <p>However, no occult science can give you hundred percent guarantees about the exact accuracy. Numerology too is of no exception. No numerologist assures precise prediction of entire future. Numerology gives you the essence and sketch of the path of your life. It also provides a glimpse of your inner and outer personality. It gives you clues about your way and characteristic that can help you to dictate your future positively. </p></br>  <strong style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:30px;">Take a bet-Nothing can bet Numerology! Its an open book!</strong></br>  <p>Numerologists use the date of birth and letters of your birth name as information. By using these data, mathematical calculations are executed to seek the relevant answer. It takes into account the childhood and the upbringing, to sync path clues properly. In short, numerology gives answers to the reaction, point of view, and hints. However, technically, some pressing issue is there which the numerology never guarantees to answer correctly. So here nine things that Numerology necessarily don't have any clue about. Nay numerologist who claims to give an accurate prediction on any of these below, run before you have that big hole in your pocket!</br> <strong>Take a look :</strong> </p>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">1. Person, I will get married :</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>Ladies and gentlemen, you have a high-level curiosity about the person with whom you will ultimately take marriage vow, then guys sorry to disappoint you! You are not getting it!</li> <li>Numerology can correctly predict the compatibility degree of the couples by calculating the numerology chart of you and your partners.</li> <li>But thats only the vibes calculation.</li> <li>In real life, we got so many successful marriage goals with extremely incompatible numerology charts.</li> <li>The only thing to know if your partner is the one, ask the person!</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">2. Getting a person to marry by telling his/her name :</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>No numerology is not black magic! No other occult science has the power to make a person get married to you.</li> <li>Marriage is a sacred bond that can materialize of both the partners are willing.</li> <li>Also, Numerology cannot guarantee you of you will get married to your current love interest.</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">3. Exact date and time predicting your marriage dates :</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>Forget all those crystal balls and fantasy movies predicting the exact time and date for your marriage! Numerology cannot bet on the exact time and date to get married.</li> <li>However, there is a ray of hope!</li> <li>Numerology can correctly give you a list of dates that are favorable for a long-lasting marriage.</li> <li>Even if for some reason, you have to choose another date, then nothing to worry.</li> <li>There is nothing like an unfavorable date to marry. Unless of course, there is a tornado forecast running on the new channel!</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">4. Time for the good news :</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>For anything reacted to pregnancy and starting new family, consult a gynecologist for a correct and suitable time. Not a numerologist!</li> <li>Numerology never forecasts anything that is strictly medical.</li> <li>Nor numerology can give you any remedial measures to conceive fast.</li> <li>So go to the doctor and take the best guidance.</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">5. When will I hit big in the career ?</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>Numerology is unable to predict the job market and the career opportunity present in a particular geographical area.</li> <li>It can never predict the number of vacancies available in a specific profile, experience, and skill-set for particular job types and career prospect of a profession.</li> <li>A person who is searching or aiming for a career must take all these factors into account.</li> <li>That is why; Numerology cannot predict us the exact time and date of getting a new job or getting a promotion.</li> <li>Numerology can predict the correct career choice and interest that can match with the skill and temperament of the individual.</li> <li>This is done by predicting the Numerology chart.</li> <li>It also makes the prediction based on the interest and skill of the person.</li> <li>And that job, you can get sooner or later, the date of which definitely is not mentioned.</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">6. Painful Separation :</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>Taking a break, breaking up or filing for a divorce is a wrong time both for you and your partner.</li> <li>Various circumstances can lead to such decision.</li> <li>And such circumstances are entirely dependent on the interaction, and situations of you and your partner.</li> <li>Also, the laws of your state and your religion are taken into consideration regarding the divorce proceedings.</li> <li>There is no mention of Divorce in the entire encyclopedia of Numerology.</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">7. Examination Marks !</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>Passing an examination is entirely dependent on the persons interests and love for the subject which he/she is studying.</li> <li>Numerology can predict the subjects that can likely resonate with the vibration of the student's soul urge and life path.</li> <li>It may be the subject of student love. However, merely loving the subject would not suffice.</li> <li>The effort and the study planning is undertaken regarding that particular subject are necessary to score well and pass.</li> <li>It also depends upon the mode of learning which you may find suitable.</li> <li>Some can learn by self-study, some by taking extra coaching, some by simple memorizing, some by audio-visual method and many more.</li> <li>Also, you must ensure that you have a distraction-free and peaceful environment to concentrate more on your paper.</li> <li>Support from tutor or mentor acts as an extra booster. And numerology cannot calculate them.</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">8. Will I win the lottery ? Will I finally be able to make that much-awaited trip ? I want to know everything that lies ahead !</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>No, it cant be predicted! Human nature makes you pretty excited about what lies ahead. And its totally natural.</li> <li>However, the full prediction is not the thing that numerologists will reveal. In fact, it is not wise to know.</li> <li>Some things need to take its own natural course to serve a specific purpose.</li> <li>Knowing the whole certainties can alter it with some unpleasant consequence.</li> <li>The likelihoods and tendencies, however, can be predicted to have a positive impact on the individual.</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#D1730E;font-size:20px;">9. Time of Death :</strong></br>  <ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>Numerology cannot predict anyones age of death.</li> <li>No power in this world can prevent death time.</li> <li>To know about the state of health, you may go for a regular medical check-up. But at the end of the day, death strikes silently!</li> </ul> </br>  <strong style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:20px;">In the End...</strong></br>  <p>Numerology is excellent knowledge that accurately acts as the correct mirror to a person's tendencies and moves. Framework and sketch given in Numerology can correctly help you to lead a beautiful life! </p>

Occult sciences are a lovely thing! With some precise calculations and rules, you seem to get a clear picture of your past, present, and future. Right now, one of the most popular and most-sought after occult science is Numerology. It helps you to understand the intricacies of the human personality and prediction by tracing the relationship of numbers with the animate and inanimate objects of the Universe.

The secret of Occult Science :

However, no occult science can give you hundred percent guarantees about the exact accuracy. Numerology too is of no exception. No numerologist assures precise prediction of entire future. Numerology gives you the essence and sketch of the path of your life. It also provides a glimpse of your inner and outer personality. It gives you clues about your way and characteristic that can help you to dictate your future positively.

Take a bet-Nothing can bet Numerology! Its an open book!

Numerologists use the date of birth and letters of your birth name as information. By using these data, mathematical calculations are executed to seek the relevant answer. It takes into account the childhood and the upbringing, to sync path clues properly. In short, numerology gives answers to the reaction, point of view, and hints. However, technically, some pressing issue is there which the numerology never guarantees to answer correctly. So here nine things that Numerology necessarily don't have any clue about. Nay numerologist who claims to give an accurate prediction on any of these below, run before you have that big hole in your pocket!
Take a look :

1. Person, I will get married :
  • Ladies and gentlemen, you have a high-level curiosity about the person with whom you will ultimately take marriage vow, then guys sorry to disappoint you! You are not getting it!
  • Numerology can correctly predict the compatibility degree of the couples by calculating the numerology chart of you and your partners.
  • But thats only the vibes calculation.
  • In real life, we got so many successful marriage goals with extremely incompatible numerology charts.
  • The only thing to know if your partner is the one, ask the person!

2. Getting a person to marry by telling his/her name :
  • No numerology is not black magic! No other occult science has the power to make a person get married to you.
  • Marriage is a sacred bond that can materialize of both the partners are willing.
  • Also, Numerology cannot guarantee you of you will get married to your current love interest.

3. Exact date and time predicting your marriage dates :
  • Forget all those crystal balls and fantasy movies predicting the exact time and date for your marriage! Numerology cannot bet on the exact time and date to get married.
  • However, there is a ray of hope!
  • Numerology can correctly give you a list of dates that are favorable for a long-lasting marriage.
  • Even if for some reason, you have to choose another date, then nothing to worry.
  • There is nothing like an unfavorable date to marry. Unless of course, there is a tornado forecast running on the new channel!

4. Time for the good news :
  • For anything reacted to pregnancy and starting new family, consult a gynecologist for a correct and suitable time. Not a numerologist!
  • Numerology never forecasts anything that is strictly medical.
  • Nor numerology can give you any remedial measures to conceive fast.
  • So go to the doctor and take the best guidance.

5. When will I hit big in the career ?
  • Numerology is unable to predict the job market and the career opportunity present in a particular geographical area.
  • It can never predict the number of vacancies available in a specific profile, experience, and skill-set for particular job types and career prospect of a profession.
  • A person who is searching or aiming for a career must take all these factors into account.
  • That is why; Numerology cannot predict us the exact time and date of getting a new job or getting a promotion.
  • Numerology can predict the correct career choice and interest that can match with the skill and temperament of the individual.
  • This is done by predicting the Numerology chart.
  • It also makes the prediction based on the interest and skill of the person.
  • And that job, you can get sooner or later, the date of which definitely is not mentioned.

6. Painful Separation :
  • Taking a break, breaking up or filing for a divorce is a wrong time both for you and your partner.
  • Various circumstances can lead to such decision.
  • And such circumstances are entirely dependent on the interaction, and situations of you and your partner.
  • Also, the laws of your state and your religion are taken into consideration regarding the divorce proceedings.
  • There is no mention of Divorce in the entire encyclopedia of Numerology.

7. Examination Marks !
  • Passing an examination is entirely dependent on the persons interests and love for the subject which he/she is studying.
  • Numerology can predict the subjects that can likely resonate with the vibration of the student's soul urge and life path.
  • It may be the subject of student love. However, merely loving the subject would not suffice.
  • The effort and the study planning is undertaken regarding that particular subject are necessary to score well and pass.
  • It also depends upon the mode of learning which you may find suitable.
  • Some can learn by self-study, some by taking extra coaching, some by simple memorizing, some by audio-visual method and many more.
  • Also, you must ensure that you have a distraction-free and peaceful environment to concentrate more on your paper.
  • Support from tutor or mentor acts as an extra booster. And numerology cannot calculate them.

8. Will I win the lottery ? Will I finally be able to make that much-awaited trip ? I want to know everything that lies ahead !
  • No, it cant be predicted! Human nature makes you pretty excited about what lies ahead. And its totally natural.
  • However, the full prediction is not the thing that numerologists will reveal. In fact, it is not wise to know.
  • Some things need to take its own natural course to serve a specific purpose.
  • Knowing the whole certainties can alter it with some unpleasant consequence.
  • The likelihoods and tendencies, however, can be predicted to have a positive impact on the individual.

9. Time of Death :
  • Numerology cannot predict anyones age of death.
  • No power in this world can prevent death time.
  • To know about the state of health, you may go for a regular medical check-up. But at the end of the day, death strikes silently!

In the End...

Numerology is excellent knowledge that accurately acts as the correct mirror to a person's tendencies and moves. Framework and sketch given in Numerology can correctly help you to lead a beautiful life!
